
Only local ingredients, no exotics like vanilla or chocolate.

Our summer menu celebrates the abundance of vegetables currently in season. It features crisp local produce, free-range bison from the rugged North Jutland heath, and fresh strawberries from Samsø.

Our menu follows the changing of the seasons, so in other words it is nature that determines its content. This means that our ingredients can change from day to day, depending on what the wind and the weather permit.


The Essence - kr. 750

The Essence menu is a zero-waste gastronomic journey that showcases locally-sourced ingredients that change with the seasons, embodying the essence of our local and sustainable philosophy.

4 servings

The menu is available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays until the 31st of July.

potato — thybo
mackerel — koshu
bison — cabbage
berries — cream

With juice pairing – kr. 1075

With Danish beverage pairing – Kr. 1175

With wine pairing – kr. 1175

With upgraded wine pairing  – kr. 1475

Short menu - kr. 1200

An insight into our universe.
10 servings.
We´re not able to offer short menu on Saturday evenings.

oyster — buttermilk
egg — beans
zucchini — pumkin seeds
potato —  thybo
mackerel — koshu
pork — strawberry
pork — bread
bison — xo
bison — cabbage
berries — cream

With juice pairing – kr. 1900

With Danish beverage pairing – Kr. 2100

With wine pairing – kr. 2100

With upgraded wine pairing  – kr. 2600

You can also enjoy our short menu for lunch while experiencing the cozy atmosphere in our restaurant during the afternoon.

The menu - kr. 1800

The full experience of our universe.
14 servings.

oyster — buttermilk
egg — beans 
zucchini —  blue mussels
zucchini — pumkin seeds
herbs — sunflower seeds
lobster —  cucumber
potato —  thybo
mackerel — koshu
pork — strawberry
pork — bread
bison — xo
bison — cabbage
berries — cream
brioche — milkyway

With juice pairing – kr. 2800

With Danish beverage pairing – Kr. 3200

With wine pairing – kr. 3200

With upgraded wine pairing  – kr. 3800